Industry solutions and applications
Power supply systems | Renewable energy
Process industry
DEHN protects pipelines
Brochure DS 249
Smart Decoupling Device VCSD
Brochure DS 293
HVI and HVIpower Conductor for Ex zones 1 and 21
Brochure DS 255
DEHN protects Gas Industry Plants
Brochure DS 214
DEHN protects Bayernoil
Reference REF001
DEHN protects Process and filling systems from KRONES
Reference REF009
DEHN protects the Oil and Gas Industry
Brochure DS 122
Lightning and High-Voltage Interference Protection on Pipelines
Editorial Industrial Electrix
Transportation systems
DEHN protects ABL charging poles for electromobility
Reference REF039
Surge protection concept for LED street lights
Brochure DS 253
Surge protection concept for LED street lights
Translated reprint from netzpraxis, issue 11/14
DEHN protects fuse boxes for LED street lights from Langmatz
Reference REF026
DEHN protects railway level crossing warning mechanisms
Reference REF002
DEHN protects the new Gotthard railway tunnel
Reference REF004
DEHN protects the Railway Infrastructure
Brochure DS 180